Ritualize your life.

Premium Ceremonial products to harmonize your Spirit & elevate your Life

Premium Teas

I source premium organic teas from Taiwan, China, Japan and Vietnam ranging from Green Teas, White Teas, Oolongs and Puerh.

Currently available :

Japanese Tea from a 230 year old Tea Family
1) Genmaicha (Green Tea with Rice)
2) Houjicha Stem or Leaves (Roasted Tea)
3) Gyokuru (Green Tea)
Price : 20g for 15 euros

Taiwanese Tea
1) White Peony
2) Grape Green Tea
3) Melon Oolong // Passionfruit Oolong
4) Soleil Levant Oolong (vibrant & sunny)
Price : 20g for 15 euros

Enjoy the potent energy of our 100% organic and premium quality Ceremonial Cacao from a precious family in Venezuela. This cacao meets the highest standards from experts reviews and is scientifically proven that only the skin is receiving the high temperature but the bean is not exposed to temperatures above 45 degrees.

With regards to planting, the family uses sacred geometry according to the Mayans - holding circles with the elders in the centre, 4 trees for the 4 directions and each time to the abeulas (elders) first to talk to gain permission.

The profits from this cacao goes to funding a cacao school. As one new cacao tree gets planted, there are 4 banana trees and veggies planted around it with up to 3 - 5 metres in height.

Prices : 250 g = 25 Euros // 500g = 45 euros // 1kg = 70 euros

*shipping available currently in Europe & Australia at own cost

Ceremonial Cacao